воскресенье, 12 мая 2013 г.


"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the

The Lord ... Put on the armor

Of God, that you may become

against the Wiles of the evil ".

Eph 6.10-11

11. summary conclusions


It's time to take stock of what we know about the Saturday:

a) Saturday is an eternal monument to the creation and the creative power of God;

b) Saturday is also a reminder of the Lord's death and a sign of sanctification

and redemption in Christ Jesus;

in Sabbath day) for us-it is a sign between us and God, and seal (symbol)

loyalty to Him;

g) this day in all centuries followed God's children of all nationalities;

d) It given to us for the joy of communion with God and his people, and his celebration

brings blessing;

e) God never changed the day of worship on Sunday or another day,

not been canceled and cancels it, although people have dared to do this against his


Here's briefly what the Bible says about Saturday. This may differ from your

tradition knowledge or the teachings of the Church, but that's it. Make the right choice-

obey God and keep his Sabbath (acts 5.29). If anyone has this desire,

I suggest you pray right now:

Heavenly Father, the great and good! I am writing to you in the name of Jesus. I sincerely

Thank you for this word about your true Saturday. Lord, forgive me, that I did not-

correctly understood your will to abide by the precepts of human, not Yours. You multiply in

me and give me strength to follow all your commandments and teach others how to

Lord Jesus. Because every commandment of yours and Yours is constant and will be Saturday

stand forever and eternity.



No. 190

Only for you, the Savior,

Always ready to go,

To the heavenly house,

Lord, I could walk.

Wish you all the strength

In service to give away,

And faithful to the grave

Stand for the truth.

You only believe

Bulwark in the struggle,

I beg you:

Whether you're close to me.

Grant me the heart of joy

And the Golden Shield, faith

So I feel the sweetness of

En route to the Holy land.







12. list of recommended literature


I. Texts from the Bible:

Gen 2.2-3;

Ex 12.16, 13.6, 16.23-29, 20.8-23.12, 31.14, 11-17, 35.2;

Lev 16.31, 19.3, 23.1-44, 24.8;

Num 15.32-36, 28.10, 29.32;

Deut 5.12-15;

2 Kings 16.18;

1 Par 9.32, 23.31.

Nehem 9.14, 10.31, 13.15-22;

Is 56.2-7, 58.12-14, 66.22-23;

Jer 17.19-26;

Weep 1.7, 2.6;

Ezek. 20.12-20, 22.8, 22.26, 44.24, 45.17, 46.1-3;

Os 2.11;

Am 8.4-7 ;

Matt 12.1-12, 24.20.

Mark 2.24-28, 4-3.2, 6.2;

Luke 4.16, 4.31, 6.1-2, 13.14-16, 23.54-56;

John 5.16-7.22, 18-23, 9.14, 19.31.

Acts 1.12, 13.14-15.21, 16.13, 44-14, 17.1, 18.1-2-4;

Col 2.16;

Heb 4.1-11;

Rev. 1.10, 14.7.

II. Book of the spirit of prophecy (E. White):

1) "Patriarchs and prophets"; Zaoksky, source of life, 1994, pp. orig. 111 [].

2) prophets and Kings»» Zaoksky, source of life, 1993; s. 74, 112-118, 421, 422, 376-


3) "Desire of ages" ("Christ is the hope of the world"); Zaoksky, source of life, 1993;

s. 14, 135, 137-139, 158, 194-200, 556-557.

4) "acts of the Apostles"; Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad Pravda, 19924.350.

5) "great fight"; Kiev, " Visnik miru  ", 1993; with. 45-47, 404-425, 436-438, 537-546, 557-

559, 570-574, 580-581, 595, 589, 599-600.

6) "the way to Christ"; Pasific Conference Press Publishing Association, Montain View, California, 1980;

s. 54-55.

7) "my life today" (morning read); Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; c. 44, 51,

75, 145, 165, 174, 203, 240, 258, 262, 282.

8) "for youth"; Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; p. 310-311.

III. other references:

1) TE; Moscow, "education", 1964-67; Vol. 1, pp. 296-298; t. 2, p. 151, 152, 236-238; Vol. 8, p.


2) j. Zabello, "planet for Robinson"; Sumy reg. publishing, 1991; s. 95.

3) "biblical prophecy. The book of Daniel and Revelation "(ed. R.n. Volkoslav-

Civil); Zaoksky, source of life, 1993, pp. 63-64.

4) n. Nosov, the papacy and his fight with orthodoxy; Moscow, "Strižev Center", p. 15-17.

5) Frank Holbrook, "God's builders" (lessons from the Saturday school on 4th quarter of 1993);

Zaoksky, source of life, 1993; c. 75-79.

6) Frank Holbrook, "God's Providence" (lessons from the Saturday school in the second quarter of 1994);

Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; p. 53-59.

7) e. Douglas, "Christ humiliated and glorified" (lessons from the Saturday school at III

quarter, 1994); Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; c. 65-71).

8) ' keeper Cookbook "; Moscow, 1989; Vol. 1, pp. 167-174.

9) "biblical doctrine"; theme 5, 19, 21, 35-37, 39-42, 45, 50-51, 55-56, 67, 75-77, 79-

83, 88-89, 94-96, 109-112, 117, 121-124, 130, 133-134, 144, 149.

10) voice of prophecy "(cognition of the creator of the universe), 17-20, 28-33, 35.

11) Psalms of Zion "; Moscow, "Patmos". 1927; No. 60, 134-173, 282, 365, 190, 32.

12) George Knowles, "a world in need of love"; Zaoksky, source of life, 1993;

s. 21, 69, 72, 88, 94, 112, 149.

13) Vitaliy Krichevsky, a festive Jewish cuisine "; Appendix to the

"The age", Riga, 1990; s. 7-8.

14) r. Pearson, "God against the elements"; Moscow, "Tidings of hope, 1992; s. 129-141.

15) "Guide to the Bible"; Kiev, " Visnik miru”, 1992; s. 74-90.

16) «Christian reader», 1990 (Yearbook of the SDA Church); Moscow, 1989; s. 81, 96-97.

17) "in the beginning was the word ..." (basics beliefs of SDA); Zaoksky, source of life,

1993; c. 265-270.

18) Robert Odom, "three missing from the book of Revelation; Kiev, " Visnik miru ", 1993; c. 10-11,

18, 25-32.

19) Brian Jones, "the Three tidings" (the Saturday school lessons for Q4

1994); Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; c. 44, 53-59, 90.

20) "news" Three (comment to lessons for teachers); Zaoksky, Source

life ", 1994; c. 36-41, 48-53.

21) Maurice Bèskem, "so I send you" (lessons from the Saturday school for first quarter 1994

g.); Zaoksky, source of life ", 1993; s. 51, 82-94.

22) Andrea Christensen, "rules of a happy life" (Bible lessons for young-

Cove); Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; s. 39-45.

23) Arthur Maxwell, "God and the future"; Pasific Conference Press Publiching Association, Mountain

View, California, 1967 (in Russian); s. 47-56, 33-35.

24) Arthur Maxwell, "Christ and the day of the coming"; Odessa, “Chernomorye ", 1993; s. 25-29,


25) Arthur Maxwell, "alone with the Bible"; Serpukhov, the "source of life", 1994; s. 221-


26) George Vandeman, "blind faith"; Tula, 1992; s. 45-46.

27) George Vandeman, Rebel planet "; Moscow, "Message of hope", 1993; s. 290-311.

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